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Mary Kay

I sat there smiling at the party that night, while in the office during the day I was literally googling ‘the best ways to commit suicide’

Mary Kay

Here I am back in 2010, at my office holiday party. Looking like I’m having a great time. Looking healthy and happy. You would never know the depression I was suffering back then. I sat there smiling at the party that night, while in the office during the day I was literally googling ‘the best ways to commit suicide’. I knew that was a sign I needed some serious help, because deep down I didn’t want to do what I felt a compulsion to do. I forced myself into therapy and was provided life saving antidepressants for the short term. Longer term I started writing, going to yoga and acupuncture. I made it my mission to find my self worth, even if I didn’t believe it existed.

It was a journey and still is, but I’m so, so grateful I made it through and am still here. Even if at the time I thought nothing would get better. Ever.

You can find help that works for you. To stay here. To get better. Things will get better.

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