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"Honestly sharing how I was feeling finally allowed me to receive the proper treatment, care, and counseling."


Two of the most powerful words in the English language I’ve found to be true are “Me Too.”  Throughout my mental health journey, starting at age 11, when someone identified with the same thoughts, feelings, behaviors as I did, the walls melted away and hope entered my spirit like sunshine filling a dark, empty room. Honestly sharing how I was feeling finally allowed me to receive the proper treatment, care, and counseling.  Honest sharing is the antidote to diseased thinking.  Things I believed no one would ever understand – I found to be false as others could relate and identify with my thoughts.  As I honestly shared, the isolation and deterioration of my spirit was replaced with friendship and comradery for the first time. 

I encourage anyone struggling with mental illness to start sharing their feelings with someone they value and trust … honestly.  Aspiration and healing can begin when the darkness is exposed by the light of the truth.

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